1. Go to the Setup Module.

Click on Setup

2. Under ‘Structure’, Click on ‘Policies’ from the left menu.

Click on Policies

3. Click on the options menu (3 dots) and then select ‘Add Warranty Policy’.

Click on Open demo menu
Click on Add Warranty Policy

4. Enter the policy name.

Click on Warranty Policy Name

5. Warranty start trigger comprises three distinct types. Select anyone for the policy.

a. Delivery Date – The delivery date for the warranty policy refers to the specific date on which a product is delivered to the customer.

b. Fulfillment Status – The fulfillment status for a warranty policy indicates the current state of compliance or completion regarding the terms and conditions outlined in the warranty agreement. It encompasses whether the obligations stated in the warranty, such as repairs, replacements, or refunds, have been met by the warrantor or the service provider.

c. Job Completion – Job completion for a warranty policy refers to the fulfillment of the obligations outlined within the terms of the warranty agreement by the service provider 

Click on Delivery Date …

6. The warranty category consists of three distinct types. Select anyone for the policy.

a. Warranty – The warranty category within a warranty policy refers to the classification or type of warranty coverage provided for a product or service.

b. Maintenance – The maintenance category within a warranty policy refers to the specific types of maintenance services covered by the warranty agreement for a product or service.

c. SLA – The SLA (Service Level Agreement) category within a warranty policy outlines the specific commitments and performance standards that the warranty provider agrees to meet in terms of service delivery, response times, and resolution of issues related to the warranty coverage.

In this example, we will select the ‘Warranty’ category.

Click on Select Category

7. Toggle the button to the right to enter the details for a full warranty.

Click on NO

8. Enter the ‘Warranty Name’ and ‘Description’.

Click on Warranty Name

9. Please specify the number of days for the warranty to take into effect.

Click on Effective On (Days)

10. If you select this option, the warranty will never expire. If you choose not to select this option, please enter the number of days after which the warranty will expire.

Click on Life time Warranty

11. Enter the days after the warranty will be not eligible after the purchase of the product.

Click on Not Eligible to Purchase Warranty After (Days)

12. Click on ‘Add New Key’ to insert the additional key for the warranty policy.

Click on Add
Click on Key Type…

13. Enter the ‘Warranty Terms’.

Click on Sample Warranty Terms Goes Here

14. By selecting this option, you can input the data for the Labor and Parts Warranty in the same manner as described above.

Click on NO…

15. You can insert the custom warranty data by clicking on ‘Add Custom Warranty’.

Click on Add

16. Click on ‘Save’ to create the warranty policy.

Click on Save
