Jacktrade Brand

From the very beginning, it was important to explore ideas that would expertly frame key attributes of the brand; attributes like value, freedom. and sophistication. These early iterations also play with representing the customer-centric position of the brand. Something that would prove quite meaningful.

The JackTrade brand was constructed to be human, versatile, and memorable. The refined design attempts to evoke a tone of sophistication and relevance - attributes that promote a climate of credibility and engagement that help a new brand excel.

Our goal was to marry personality and poise into the identity, in order to nurture the message of originality and balance, in the hearts and minds of the audience. The brand voice is aspirational, instructive, and clever; conveying the JackTrade charm, posture, and style.

Our Logo

Our logo is available in different formats and colors. Please don’t change the
colors or modify its arrangement.


The JackTrade brand voice is audacious and aspirational

A witty, Eloquent charge that honors the leaders who relentessly msrch towords excellence - a truly inspiring rallying cry for all memebers of he JackTrade family.

For Our Dear Press

The most updated information about Jacktrade, press releases, press kit & media features.

Jacktrade in 140 Characters


Jacktrade is a business automation software suite that replaces the need for 8-10 different applications to run your business smoothly. A powerful SaaS product that empowers you and your team to accelerate your customer experience and grow your revenue effectively.

Press Kit

Download a press kit with relevant information in english. More languages coming soon.



Jacktrade helps small businesses quickly master the challenges of digitizing, optimizing, and growing their business across various functions.

People and companies need to be organized, and automate their processes to scale. Jacktrade is one powerful app that gets them organized, highly productive across their business functions and puts them ahead of the competition.

Jacktrade offers a single unified solution for Marketing, Sales, and Operations teams to collaborate and remove friction in the buyer’s journey.

Jacktrade helps businesses optimize, grow and increase the business performance in shortest time possible.

Let's Talk

If there’s something you’d like to ask, feel free to reach out.

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