1. Go to the Setup Module.

Click on Setup

2. Under ‘Structure’, Click on ‘Policies’ from the left menu.

Click on Policies

3. Click on the options menu (3 dots) and then Click on ‘Add Pay Policy’.

Click on Open demo menu
Click on Add Pay Policy

4. Enter the pay policy details like Name, Description, Region and Date.

Click on Pay Details

5. Select the ‘Pay Rates’ tab.

Click on Pay Rates

6. Pay Rates are of two types, Hourly and Weekly(Coming Soon). Click on ‘Add Resource’.

Click on  Add Resources

7. Select the resources for whom you want to set the pay rates and click on ‘Done’.

Click on DC    Dev Cham      Field Technician

8. Enter the hourly pay value, and shift start time for each resource added in the policy.

Click on Enter hourly pay value
Click on 09:00 AM

9. Select the ‘Pay Multipliers’ tab.

Click on Pay Multipliers

10. Check the ‘Allow overtime during holidays’ flag to allow resources to work overtime during holidays. If you don’t wish to allow it, please keep this flag unchecked.

Click on Allow Overtime During Holidays

11. Check the ‘Do not use overtime’ flag if you don’t wish to allow resources in this policy to clock in overtime.

Click on Do not use overtime

12. Enter the rates and hours for Regular Time, Over Time, and Break Time for the resource.

Click on Enter value

13. Click on ‘Save’ to add the pay policy.

Click on Save
