1. Go to the Jobs Module.

Click on Jobs

2. Click on the options menu (3 dots) and under manage tags select ‘Tagging Machine’.

Click on Open demo menu
Click on Tagging Machine

3. Select one or more job contacts to whom you wish to assign tags.


Click on tableRowactive


4. Input the tags using the tagging machine and click enter to create the tag chip.

Note: The ‘View Tags’ option will show you all the custom tags associated with the selected contacts.

Click on Chips container with autocompletion. Enter the text area, type text to search, and then use the up and down arrow keys to select an option. Press enter to add the selected option as a chip.

5. After entering the tags, click on ‘Apply Tags’. This will add the tags to the selected jobs.

Click on Apply Tags

6. To see the tags, navigate to the particular job.

Click on Axel Roman…

7. Under the ‘Tags’ section you will see the tag under custom tags.

Click on Tags
