Opportunity Card Status

Opportunity Deal Workflow Status

Each Opportunity Card automatically sets a workflow status that helps Sales organizations understand where in the process their deals stand. Jack trade supports the following Deal Status:

  1. Prospect: When no Quote, Job, or Agreement has been attached. This opportunity card is independent and not attached to any Quotes or Jobs. 
  2. Negotiation: When a Quote is attached to the opportunity and the Quote is submitted to the user. In this step, you have established a communication with your customer but a proposal has not been sent.
  3. Agreement: When a Proposal or Agreement has been submitted to the customer. 
  4. Contracted: When a Job, Proposal, or Agreement has been fully contracted with the customer. Or, when the Job is attached to the Opportunity, or Quote has converted to Job.
  5. Completed: When the entire Job is completed, the opportunity card is automatically set to Completed as well. If the Job moves from Completed to another status (example: Modified), then Opportunity status moves back to Contracted. The card status while attached to Job always stays in WIN sales status. Opportunity can be edited in this state. 
  6. Expired: When ‘Forecast Date’ is expired, regardless if Quote or Job is attached OR not, if the attached Quote or Job is expired, or not expired. 
    • Expired status does not archive the Card, and works independently from Expiry from Quotes or Jobs. For example, Quotes and Jobs can be in the Submitted or Accepted state, and Opportunities can expire, or vice-versa. 
    • Expire status does not come if the Opportunity status is Complete, Void, or Canceled. For an alternate example, if the card status is ‘Contracted’, the card can still transition to expired.
    • Quote or Job expiry does not automatically expire Opportunity card as its expiry is based on its own ‘Forecast Date’. It is possible there is a mismatch between the Opportunities Forecast Date vs. the Quote Service date. There are no matching conditions.
    • Quotes can be expired and still move to Job. This will in return change the opportunity card back to Contracted. 
  7. Void: When a user makes a mistake to create that opportunity. Details of these are documented in another section of this document. 
  8. Cancel: When the customer does not want to proceed forward with the opportunity. Details of these are documented in another section of this document.


Opportunity Deal Workflow – Void Status

Opportunity can be marked VOID by manual action that the user can take for the card.

  1. When not attached to Quotes, Jobs, or Agreement – The card can be simply Voided with Reason listed fetched from Reason List in business configuration. 
  2. When attached to Quotes – when Voiding opportunity card, the attached Quotes is also Voided. The reason for VOID is fetched via business configuration and recorded per card. The same reason is listed in Quote as it also Voided along with the Opportunity. 
  3. When attached to Jobs – This has similar rules as to when attached to Quotes with additional dependency checks that:
    • None of the products or materials should be fulfilled. 
    • Payment should not have been taken for any of the services. 
  4. When attached to Agreement – This has similar rules as to when attached to Quotes or Jobs with additional dependency check that:
    • The agreement has not been ‘Submitted’ to the users. The agreement has to be in an Incomplete, Draft, or Void state before Voiding the Opportunity.


General Rules For Voiding

  1. The card’s Sale status is marked as LOSS.
  2. Reason for Voiding is then written for both Opportunity cards and Quotes or Job.
  3. Voided Cards are not editable. Attachment or Detachment from Quotes, Jobs, or Agreements is not allowed. 
  4. Voided Cards do not move to the archive list unless the user wants them to by marking a flag on the Void Screen.
  5. Voided Cards not archived can be archived upon user interaction or through auto-archive.
    • Voided Cards still show on the calendar as strikethrough. 
    • All action item reminders are removed from the calendar upon voiding.


Opportunity Deal Workflow – Cancel Status

Canceling an opportunity is very similar to VOID with small differences:

  1. Cancel Reason comes from Reason List which is a different reason list for Void.
  2. Users can email customers with a pre-defined template in the Business Settings. This email template is non-removable in business settings. Email is set automatically for customers of the opportunity and cc’d with Salesperson. Users can type in any additional emails as desired. 


Opportunity Sales Status

Opportunity is mainly reflected by Win or Loss, and this status is maintained independently of Deal Workflow Status.  There are three outcomes for any sales 

  1. Opportunity with no outcomes yet – No outcome is when an opportunity is neither lost nor won yet. For example: Opportunity hanging without an answer from your client or simply waiting for an outcome. 
  2. Opportunities won – Opportunities are won if the mapped Quote converts into a Job, and when all recipients in the agreement have accepted. 
  3. Opportunities lost – When any recipients in the agreement have rejected, expired, or canceled. This is done when a Quote is canceled, expired, or VOID.
    • If the agreement was not attached, then it checks if any attached Quote was canceled, marked VOID, or archived.
    • If the payment is returned fully to Job, then the opportunity is lost.
    • If the Quote, Job status is expired and opportunity forecast date is also expired
