1. Go to the ‘Customers’ module.

Click on Customers

2. Click on ‘Opportunities’ on the left menu.

Click on Opportunities…

3. Click on the three-dot menu option at the top right.

Click on Open demo menu

4. Select the ‘Board Categories’ option here.

Click on Board Categories

5. This will give a list of all the predefined board categories. Catch-All is all the categories added to the business. To add a new category click on the ‘Add Category’ option.

Click on icon add

6. Enter the new category name you wish to add. We recommend that the category names should be unique for better opportunity board management.

Click on Category Name

7. Each category can be visually distinguished with an image. To update the category image, click on the image icon. This is optional.

Click on button

8. From the ‘Manage Visuals’ right navigation, select the icon for the category from the predefined list of icons. You can also filter these icons with different categories like Alerts, Business, Emotions, Priority pack, Projects, Ranks, and Winning.

Click on button

9. Click on ‘Done’ to save the board category

Click on Done

10. On the board’s grid view. Click on the add icon to create a new board.

Click on Add new board…

11. Enter the board name, select the business location, select the board category you want to associate the board with and add the color code for the board to visually distinguish it from other boards.

Click on ATL Atlantic County…

12. Click on ‘Create Board,’ and your board will be successfully created

Click on Create Board
