1. Go to the customer module

Click on Customers

2. On the left menu, within the design templates click on designs

Click on Designs

3. Click on the ‘Add’ icon

Click on basic:icon-ico-add

4. Enter the newsletter name and the newsletter category

Note: Category can be setup from the design main page by clicking on 3 dots and selecting categories section

Click on Email Name…

5. Select the type of newsletter section

Click on Call to Action

6. Select the block type and drag and drop to the content side

Click on image

7. You can review or make the changes from this main newsletter body

Click on Sample Content…

8. To test the newsletter, Click on ‘Test Email’

Click on Test Email

9. Enter the email and click on send

Click on Attached Services

10. Click on enable to make the newsletter active

Click on Switch 1

11. Click on ‘Save’ to add the newsletter

Click on SAVE