Changes in Resources Profile


Changing the resources profile affects two fundamental parts of the equation:

  1. Business Services – Changes made to the Service part of the Profile that affects Business Services and Scheduling. This includes things like:
    • Organization, Manager, Levels, Role Types (Primary and Secondary)
    • Business Location and Working Hours
    • Application Permissions
  2. Login Access Services – Changes made to Login & Access Information that affects Access and Billing. This includes things like:
    • Name Change
    • Password Change
    • Status Change (Active, Inactive, Archive, Delete)


Resources – Changing Organization

Changing Organization for a Resource needs to be managed for the following four cases:

  1. Sales to Sales Conversion – If a Resources Organization is Sales and moves to another Sales Organization, then moving within another Sales organization is possible without changes to any application functionality like Quotes, etc. Changing within a sales organization is simple considering other validations like business location checks. This will change the reporting manager of the resource of the organization, role type, and level of the resource.
  2. Non-Sales to Non-Sales – If a Resources Organization is Non-Sales and moves to another Non-Sales Organization is possible without changes to any application functionality like Quotes, etc. This will change the reporting manager of the resource since the organization, role type, and level of the resource.
  3. Sales to Non-Sales Conversion – This is the most difficult conversion and a separate section covers this need.
  4. Non-Sales to Sales – This enables new resources to be visible in the application as part of the sales function.

Organizations are global and have no reference to business locations but locations need to be managed from Resources within the organization, and functions attached to the Location.

Sales to Non-Sales – With No Attached Functions

  1. If the resource attached to a sales organization is not attached to any of the Quote, Job, and Opportunity functions (active or archive) attached to them, then the resource simply changes to Non-Sales.
  2. Elements that do not matter for Sales and Non-Sales organization conversion are – visits, conversations, calendar events, nurturing, any action items, resource tagging, etc. These functions are irrespective of the Sales flag.
  3. This will change the reporting manager of the resource of the organization, role type, and level of the resource.

Sales to Non-Sales – With Attached Functions

  1. If the resource attached to the sales organization is attached to any of the Quote, Job, and Opportunity functions (active or archive) attached to them, then the following conditions apply for Active data sets
    • Move all corresponding functions to another salesperson. Functions can not move to Non-Sales Resource.
    • Move functions only to Resources in the same business location – For each function that needs to migrate over, check which functions are in which business locations in order to not change the location of the business in a function but migrate the function to another Sales resource that belongs to that business location. UI will present the functions that are necessary to migrate per business location.
    • Resources that functions will migrate to, will have the same business location permissions as the resource under change. There could be a possibility that moving functions to another resource may not have the same location access. Thus, the functions need to move to Resources with the exact same location setup. If no resources are available, then users can choose to move the attached function to Owner. For example, John Abraham can have Quotes in Location 1 and in Location 2. Then the user will have to choose a Resource per location in order to migrate the function.
    • Same primary and secondary role – this does not matter when it comes to sales assignments. See instructions for primary and secondary roles.
    • If there are no sales resources in the business location – then functions simply are reassigned to the Owner.
  2. For the Archived data set, the salesperson remains the same unless changed when unarchived. The sales user data shows in italics as “not active”.
  3. This will change the reporting manager of the resource since the organization, role type and level of the resource might change.

Any elements that are still attached to the Resource (like archived data) will show in italics.


Resources – Changing Business Locations

Users are assigned functions and assignments in various modules of the application. For Example, In Quotes, the salesperson is assigned a location, and Quote is assigned to that salesperson. This salesperson is now moving to a new business location but Quotes does not allow changing business location. In another example, a non-salesperson is assigned to a Job to work on the job. Or, a non-sales person is assigned an action item belonging to a function that belongs to a location, and changing a business location will require assigned resources to match the location of the action item.

Changing Business Locations – Active Data

When changing resources and business location, the following rules apply for active data:

  1. Business location can change for the resource but all locations attached to a function where the resource is attached remain as is. For example, Business Location in Quote can not change.
  2. For all active functions attached to a resource with location A, assigned functions have to move to another resource with the same location A. Simply – moving functions assigned to resources out of Location A, can not move to a resource with Location B.
  3. Business location affects both sales and non-sales resources in many functions as below. So, changing business locations will need to migrate the Resource assignment to a new Resource that is already in that location.
    • Sales Type Resources: Quotes, Jobs, Opportunities, and all Non-Sales type functions are listed below.
    • Non-Sales Type Resources: Quotes Scheduling, Job Scheduling, Action List, Nurturing, Support, Expenses, Payroll, Timesheets.
  4. Action Items that are associated with the functions will need to migrate resource assignments to a new resource that is already in that location. If the action items are originated by the resource associated with the function, then too it needs to be assigned to a new resource. In this case, the originator of the action item will change. If the new resource assigned and the already assigned resource in the action item is the same, then the resource is removed from the assignment of the action item and is set as the originator of the action item. The action items that are not associated with functions will remain as is with the resource irrespective of the location change.
  5. Since “User Objects” sends the user’s location to the client. A change in business location for a resource triggers an update to “User Objects” which then updates the client when a new API call is made. (Check User Object requirements).

Changing Business Locations – Archived Data

When changing resources and business location, the following rules apply for archived data:

  1. For all archived functions, the removed location (earlier mapped to a resource) will still show as originally set with that function. Example: Quotes had a salesperson assigned with a location that is no longer valid.
  2. Visually, the UI shows the sales agent in italics letting users know that the data is no longer valid. Any archived data is not editable.

Any new function shows business location data actively associated with resources. Example: With the above example, the salesperson will now show for newly assigned locations.


Resources – Changing Role Type

Changing the Role type of a Resource is possible but all dependencies have to be managed. If the resource has NO schedule associated with the role in change, then the role is directly changed. If there are dependencies, then the following conditions have to match for Active data sets:

  1. Move all corresponding schedules to another person with the same exact role within the same organization.
  2. Move schedule only to Resources in the business location – For each function that needs to migrate over, check which functions are in which business locations in order to not change the location of the business in a function but migrate the function to another Sales resource that belongs to that business location. UI will present the functions that are necessary to migrate per business location.
  3. Resources that the schedule will migrate to, will have the same business location permissions as resources under change. There could be a possibility that the move schedule to another resource may not have the same location access. Thus, the schedule needs to move to Resources with the exact same location setup. If no resources are available, then users can choose to move the attached schedule to the Owner. For example, John Abraham can have been Quoted in Location 1 and in Location 2. Then the user will have to choose a Resource per location in order to migrate the function.
  4. Changes to primary and/or secondary role – the rule of change applies to both role types for a resource.
  5. If there are no roles in the business location – then functions simply are reassigned to the Owner.
  6. This will change the reporting manager of the resource of the organization, role type, and level of the resource.


For the Archived data set, the role remains the same unless changed when unarchived. The role type in the user data shows in italics as “not active”.


Any elements that are still attached to the Resource (like archived data) will show in italics.
