Tricks to Identify Targets by Consumer Segmentation


A successful business owner never relies on one specific way to earn profit. Rather, he/she keeps looking for a different option to continue the business growth. And, marketing to the target audience plays a crucial role in this process. There are several ways to promote business, but one strategy that makes a difference to the entire scenario is consumer segmentation. Before moving to today’s topic, let me briefly define consumer segmentation.


This is a feature that segregates the entire database into a field-specific list. Now, one must have an understanding of the fields that offers can prove beneficial in their business growth.


Given below is the list of ways to identify the target audience.



Demographic Segmentation

This type of segmentation focuses on various dimensions of the client’s profile. That is gender, age, locality, and occasions. One must take a glance at what is the current market trend and then what percentage of the market have they captured. So, this will give you an idea of what exactly you need to do. For example, if you deal in the business of flower and cakes, then you must use demographic segmentation to filter the clients according to their order preferences, location, age group and gender. These four fields would help you get an idea of what is in demand and how to fulfill it. Another important reason to implement this strategy is to make a huge profit by emphasizing fulfilling a particular demand. In short, fulfill the market demand and earn profit at large.



Behavioral Segmentation

Change in human behavior is a general tendency. But, in business one has to ensure that the client’s behavior won’t change. As it can cause huge damage to the business. Now, understand the exact description of behavioral segmentation. This is a process that allows the service provider to act according to the consumer activities on the website. The businessman must pay attention to the following components of this strategy.


Firstly, keep a track of engaging customers, which means making a list of the customers that give regular feedback or leave comments on almost every post/product or service. This will give you an insight into the flaws and expectations that a customer has from your company. As a result, you will start working on fixing bugs and developing future requirements.


Secondly, communicate with the users who discard orders after adding a product or a service to the cart. The best way to grow your relationship with these types of clients is to send them emails with deals and discount coupons to get them back on board. An instant reply to these types of consumers, makes them feel valued and hence they revisit the site. This improves benefits in different ways.


Thirdly, don’t forget to greet your clients on occasion. Then, be it a new year or their anniversary. Keep a monthly list of customers having an anniversary or birthday. Design a template for this particular conversation and send it accordingly. For example, write a Happy Birthday message or a message greeting on New Year. This personalized type of communication grabs a client’s attention and attracts them to your website.