The Power Of Tiny Gains

“The Power of Tiny Gains” refers to the concept that small, incremental improvements in habits can lead to substantial and long-lasting changes over time. For small businesses, this approach can be particularly useful in driving efficiency and productivity.

For example, a small business owner who wants to improve their customer service could make a habit of sending a follow-up email after each customer interaction, no matter how small. Over time, this small habit could lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, which could translate into higher sales and business growth.

Another example could be a business that wants to improve its financial management. They could start by implementing a habit of tracking expenses daily, instead of monthly. Over time, this habit of keeping a close eye on finances could lead to better cash flow management, more informed financial decisions, and a more stable financial future for the business.

James Clear’s Atomic Habits has been one of the most influential books I’ve ever read. And I love nothing more than to see research that can improve our lives, in action.

Small Steps - Aerial Dance



Getting 2% better every day is how he’s approached his progress and ongoing achievements. Using the 2% literally isn’t necessary, you can simply ask yourself this question:


Today what would “better” look like? 

In Atomic Habits, James Clear describes this approach as “the art of continuous improvement” while combining his theory that in order to improve (or change a habit), your work is at the level of your identity, not the level of the behavior. This was a game-changer for me and if you’re not yet familiar with it, I think it will be for you too.

Think about something you’d like to accomplish. Now imagine defining who it means you’ll have to become in order to accomplish it versus what you’d have to do.

Let’s take a simple example: I want to become a strong lap swimmer. 

The answer to whom you’d have to become could sound like these two examples:

  • A strong lap swimmer would be the kind of person who clearly prioritizes physical fitness. 
  • A strong lap swimmer would be the kind of person who is very comfortable in the water. 


In the first one, perhaps you see a need to make your fitness important because it hasn’t been. And in the second, you realize you are not totally comfortable in the water. Combining this desired new identity with continuous improvement means you have a path to get there. James Clear defines continuous improvement as a dedication to making small changes and improvements every day, with the expectation that those small improvements will add up to something significant.

His book suggests that If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.


So how can you approach that “something” you want to accomplish with this mindset? Start with defining it, understanding who you believe yourself to be now and who you’d need to become. Finally, define how you can improve with tiny gains every day.

Ultimately, you’ll feel better choosing small improvements over attempts to make leaps that leave you disappointed if you fall short. This is an approach to achieving what you want that assumes you’re running a marathon, not a sprint. And the time will pass either way, so start somewhere and as Myron says, start small.


Business Productivity And Improvement

Here are some key bullet points from James Clear’s book “Atomic Habits” that can be used for also business productivity and improvement

  1. Habits are a crucial factor in improving the success of businesses.
  2. Consistent, small improvements in habits can lead to significant boosts in efficiency and productivity over time.
  3. To enhance business habits, it’s more effective to focus on creating a supportive environment, rather than trying to increase motivation.
  4. Establish a clear plan for implementing new habits by creating an implementation intention specifying when and where the new habit will take place.
  5. Utilize habits to drive motivation and positive emotions, not just behavior change.
  6. Habits are most effective when they align with the business’s core values and identity.
  7. To break negative habits, it’s essential to understand the cues, cravings, responses, and rewards associated with them, and then replace them with better habits.
  8. Make new habits more attractive and satisfying by combining them with enjoyable activities.
  9. A business’s values, rather than just its goals, should be the focus of building a strong identity.
  10. Regularly track progress and acknowledge successes, no matter how small they may be.
  11. Adopt the strategy of “habit stacking” to incorporate new habits into existing routines.


The power of tiny gains lies in the cumulative effect of small, consistent changes in habits. By adopting this approach, small businesses can improve their operations, drive efficiency, and achieve long-term success.


10 Tactical Steps Small Business Can Take In Jacktrade

Here are some tactical steps small businesses can take to make tiny improvements in their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems like JackTrade:

  1. Use a standard naming convention for customers, leads, and deals to ensure consistent data entry and minimize errors.
  2. Regularly clean and maintain the CRM data to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  3. Automate repetitive tasks like email follow-ups, lead nurturing, and appointment scheduling to free up time for more high-value activities.
  4. Utilize the reporting and analytics features to gain insights into customer behavior and make informed business decisions.
  5. Encourage all team members to regularly update the CRM system, and make sure they understand the value of accurate data.
  6. Foster a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and refining processes and procedures.
  7. Create a feedback loop to gather and incorporate customer insights into the CRM system.
  8. Make sure all data is backed up regularly to minimize the risk of data loss.
  9. Utilize integrations with other tools and systems to streamline workflows and reduce manual effort.
  10. Regularly train and educate team members on the best practices and features of the CRM system.



By taking these small steps, small businesses can continuously improve their use of JackTrade or any other CRM system and drive better results from their customer relationships.